For Easter I thought it would be nice to visit the coast, so we jumped in the car and headed off to Whitby. The sun was shining, though it was a little cold.
There were plenty of people enjoying what had been one of the nicest (weather) days this year so far, making their way through the characteristic streets, along the waters edge and on the beach.
We ate in Gatsbys, where we enjoyed locally sourced fish and the views from the windows, looking upon the boats, the houses in the hill side and the Abbey on top of the hill. It was interesting to see where the land had come away with the recent bouts of bad weather too, seeing part of the hillside exposed under the Abbey (no skeletons though!).
On our journey back we moved a little further along the coast and stopped in Scarborough. We walked the length of the pier, ate fresh donuts, watched people playing on the beach with their kids, other people playing with their dogs and we then played in the arcades, the big kids that we are.
We also spotted a little beauty parked on the front.

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