My Dad and I were invited along to the BTCC round at Donington Park as VIP guests courtesy of WIX Air Filters, we were put up in their hospitality suite, fed, given drinks and a great tasting Easter Egg for desert. Everyone was really friendly and attentive in the hospitality suite, the food was delicious and I even managed to grab myself a bottle of beer too. If it wasn’t for the suite being warm and indoor while the April showers blasted down outside it could have been a very poor day.
Luckily I convinced my Dad to stay longer and with a bit of luck the rain cleared and the track began to dry out. This meant I could now finally test out my newly purchased piece of equipment, the impressive Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II Lens. Having never owned a zoom lens before it took me a little while to get to grips with it, but eventually I got the hang of panning and got the shots I wanted, even braving a light shower I got some interesting looking moody shots thanks to the dark rain clouds. Below are some of my favourite shots from the day, I’m hoping to practice some more and improve my skills in motor sport photography. Donington isn’t the best place to photograph at as a spectator because of the high chain link fences around most of the circuit, oh and the other half of the infield is inaccessible which makes life harder if you want varied shots from each of the corners. I will be going back again in May for the classic meeting so I am looking forward to that now knowing where I can capture the action from.

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