One of the many places I’ve wanted to photograph after getting an idea in my head is the unique Malham Cove in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It was 3am and navigating Malham Cove on foot during the day is quite difficult but in pitch black with a small LED torch it is even more of a challenge.
Being at the cove at 3am when nobody is around is quite an erie experience, with lots of wildlife around and a small river flowing through the rocks you get to hear some rather strange sounds as you’re sat waiting for the exposure to finish. It gives you a greater sense of scale at night when you are sat at the foot of the cove under the stars with a small LED light to illuminate the entire rock face.
I’m pleased with the result I got and I’ll be definitely going back to shoot again with a wider lens as my 24mm-70mm wasn’t quite wide enough for the frame I was after.

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