I decided to catch up with an old friend and do some photography at the same time as it was another decent Summer day. After only getting halfway up one of the Eastern Fells, in particular the Red Screes last time I visited due to my friend going dizzy and complaining she was feeling height sick I thought I’d have another go with a more adventurous friend this time.
No problem this time, we got to the summit in about 30 minutes, it’s fair to say we are both pretty unfit, so it was actually quite a funny site watching us both struggle getting up certain parts of the climb.
At the top, as you’d expect it was a fantastic panoramic view of the Eastern Fells and Far Eastern Fells too, it was quite cloudy and a little hazy so the shots aren’t as defined as I’d have hoped for but they still give you a an idea how far up you can get in The Lakes without too much effort, well worth it.

And of course, I couldn’t leave out the obligatory long exposure shot of Lake Windermere.

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