I really wasn’t expecting myself to enjoy this event as much as I actually did, I’ve never really been a fan or excited by the older historic racing cars. Of course I appreciate the roots and the heritage behind them all and how they are important for motor sports and modern cars, I just find them a bit slow and boring looking. Some of the earlier cars stood out to me though and definitely stirred some emotion in me, I have shared my photographs of my favourite cars from the event below.
I won’t talk too much about the cars because I simply have little knowledge about them and what they are, overall the day was fantastic. A great selection of cars from all around the world from different racing series and eras gone by. My favourite cars were the Lotus Cortinas, they were really flying and doing excellent against the larger Mustang and Galaxy cars.
On a side note, we convoyed down with a few members from the S2000 forum so I took the opportunity to grab some photos as we drove down to Donington, the weather was perfect and made for some really interested looking rolling shots.
You can see the full set of photos here on my Flickr album

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