After recently moving house to Haworth from Leeds I was keen to go explore more of the area.
Already having a family member who lived in Haworth before, I was a little familiar with the area, so I ventured out one sunny evening with Laura and my cameras.

The area is known worldwide for the Bronte Sisters who wrote several popular books whilst living in Haworth.
The route we set upon was named after them, The Bronte Way, which is a series of footpaths and walks set around the moors and surrounding villages.

We got very lucky with the weather and witnessed a gorgeous calm sunny evening in summer. This offered many nice photo opportunities which I took full advantage of.
One theme I enjoy photographing in particular are reservoirs, and there are absolutely loads dotted around the moors nearby, so I was loving the opportunity I had.

I’m very excited to be living so close to the countryside again, I’m sure this will provide me lots of inspiration for my design and photography work.
I hope you enjoyed the photos from where I live, if you’d like more information about Haworth and the Bronte Sisters please follow this link.

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