I figured it had been quite a few years since I went on a trip to York and the National Railway Museum (NRM). So I grabbed my friend and headed off over to York which turned out to be a nice warm summers day.
One thing I was particularly looking forward to was buying some of the traditional sweets in The Shambles area of York centre.
So first things first, we visited the sweet shop. I opted to get some of my all time favourite teeth rotters, fizzy bubble gum bottles.
Moving on to the NRM now, I was excited to show my friend the Chinese locomotive in the main shed, it’s just so impressive and intimidating due to it’s gigantic size and black finish.
The museum is always well kept and they update the locomotives regularly whilst acquiring new locomotives which require restoration. The best part about this is you can visit the workshop and watch the workers restore the locomotives within the museum.
After the museum we decided to take a walk to York Minster, as you do. I grabbed a different style shot of the minster from the gardens to the side.
To wrap up the evening we went for a burger over at GBK which was delicious as always, then a stroll around the park to let our food digest and to take in the sunset before heading back home.

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