Here we are, the final event of 2016 at Harewood Hillclimb and what lovely weather we had for it.
With it being the last event of the season you can usually expect to see most of the competitors going all out, giving it one final shot at getting a PB or fighting for the top spot within their class.
This always provides some exciting moments as the drivers exceed their abilities or go beyond the cars limits, sometimes both.

As with all Harewood Speed Hillclimb events there is such a variety of vehicles to look at in close detail.
In particular there was this beautiful Alpine A110 running, it looked as though it had been done up in the rally style with the auxiliary lights added to it.

Another car that I spotted instantly, which is very close to my heart was this Toyota Starlet Glanza V. These are only available imported from Japan and are still quite a rare sight at a hillclimb/sprint event. They are a good choice in my opinion, having massive tuning potential for not a great deal of money and weighing around 950kg in full trim.

Here are a couple of my other favourite images from the day, not sure if any of you have noticed this but I have a lot of affection towards the Japanese marques that compete :). I do try my best to balance out the type of vehicles I showcase on my blog though.

A selection of images from this event are available to purchase from my online shop if you are looking for a print or a digital image of your car.
Follow this link to see if I managed to capture your vehicle in action – Harewood Speed Hillclimb Photographs and Prints – September 2016
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